Followers Tersayang

Monday, 5 December 2011

Purple in the club,yauwwww!

Assalamualaikum :)

Purple,purple & purple again. Yes, it is a beautiful colour. Beautiful same as people in the picture. Hekkk:D
Introducing my friends to you, everyone. From the left, Cik Rin Ring- Cik Pah Pong Pong- Cik Mas
-Cik Beautiful (argggghhh!muntah -_-") & Cik Melati.

I love you, really really love all of you,my friends even you are not in the picture. Thank you very much because being such nice,lovely & kindly friends to me.:D

-True friends are hard to find, harder to leave & impossible to forget- :p

p/s: Maaf, ayat BI aku memang tunggang langgang. Maklumlah masa UPSR dulu, aku dapat B je.>_<"


K.S ღ said... belog baru, yang lama dah tutup. Nida pun ade belog jgk ye :)

Ruzanna Khalid said...

i love you more!

K.S ღ said...

RK~thanks dear :)